Wednesday 30 July 2008

The political landscape, as of now.

A wise woman once said,

"I don't like what I see in politics. I don't see politics doing any good for people, really."*

And do you know what? I think she's right, absolutely spot-on. That may have been said nearly 20 years ago, in a different climate, but it's as relevant as ever, and it's not just politics, it's the perception. 

Trust me, tune in to Prime Minister's Questions this wednesday, any wednesday, and what do you see? I'll tell you, its just point-scoring, petty bickering, and point-scoring. No one will watch Prime Minister's Questions and come out of it thinking, "they've got my best interests at heart, I'm proud of my government", well, not me at least. 

Politics is an area that interests me, admittedly, and this is an aspect of it that has been glaringly obvious, and enormously troublesome, to me ever since I started looking. 

The political system, the entire attitude, needs torn down and changed, I'm not talking about a thinly veiled partisan 'change' that we're all to used to, but real change, with the best interests, not of the government, or state, but of people, at the heart of the movement. A real change, rather than the meaningless Obama rhetoric. Not ridiculously ambitious sweeping reform, but a simple change in attitude. 

As it is, Britain is looking more politically apathetic than ever before in our history, and I'll direct your attention back to the quote at the start for why I think this is. If this is.

It's easy to fix, isn't it? Politics, parliament, the politicians, need to be seen as a force for good. And that's not how they're seen as it currently stands, that's not what they are as it currently stands. And it's not just being 'seen' as a force for good that matters, it's actually being one, that counts. 

*That was Kate Bush in 1989. 

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